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Gardening news from around the web

A rare, historically massive cicada season is coming: How to protect your lawn, trees, and landscaping

With 2024 expected to be a historic year for cicada emergence, Pest Gnome put together a comprehensive primer on these insects: from which areas of the country will see the greatest number of cicadas to what every homeowner can do to protect their lawn and landscaping.

Refresh your shade garden: Transform the outdoors with impatiens

(BPT) - Gardening enthusiasts, rejoice! The long-awaited moment has arrived — gardening season is officially here. As green thumbs eagerly prepare to embark on their outdoor endeavors, …

Best cities for naked gardening

LawnStarter reports on the best cities in the U.S. to bare it all in the garden.

Green goodness: 4 reasons to love homegrown produce
(BPT) - Are you one of the 185 million Americans who garden? If not, it’s time to consider joining the crowd. Gardening can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, especially if you grow your own …
Antoni Porowski's tips for creating a yard-to-table garden
(BPT) - Have you ever grown salsa in your garden? What about potato salad? You can, with spring’s hottest culinary trend called "yard-to-table." It brings farm-to-table home and is about …
From watering via ice cubes to spritzing with hydrogen peroxide – 4 misguided plant health trends on social media
The internet is full of advice on just about everything, including plant care. As the director of a plant diagnostic laboratory and expert on plant medicine, I help people manage their plants’ health
How to transform your backyard into a PGA TOUR-level lawn
(BPT) - Throughout the year, golf tournaments captivate audiences excited to watch the pros do what they do best: play golf! As viewers tune in to see their favorite athletes compete on pristine golf …
6 tips to take your spring DIY projects from weeds to blooms
(BPT) - The spring is a great time of year to start tackling the DIY projects you’ve been putting off all winter. If you plan to roll up your sleeves this season, you're part of a growing …

7 Tips for Spring Yard Prep

(BPT) - After winter's last gasp, spring is just around the corner. That means it's time to get out into the yard and tackle some spring cleaning. With a little DIY prep work now, your yard will be …

The ultimate in-and-out list for your backyard this spring

(BPT) - As the weather begins to warm up, it's time to breathe life into your backyard sanctuary and embrace the vibrant spirit of spring. Professional landscaper, author, and TV host of "I Hate My …

How to keep your garden on-trend with petunias this spring

(BPT) - Excited to elevate your garden into a trending oasis destination this spring? If you're like many gardeners, you likely approach your outdoor living area with a discerning designer's …

Cherry blossoms – celebrated in Japan for centuries and gifted to Americans – are an appreciation of impermanence and spring

Cherry blossoms mark the beginning of spring. Various festivals are regularly organized in California, Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., to celebrate the bloom of cherry trees. …

How to create an Insta-worthy outdoor living space

(BPT) - Social media has changed the ways people engage with content and seek inspiration. Thanks to ever-evolving technology and algorithms, you have the ability to find new ideas instantly. Need a …

Bring vitality to gardens in the shade with impatiens: Your new burst of living color!

(BPT) - Ready to fill your garden with striking colors this spring? Look to Beacon® Impatiens from PanAmerican Seed®, the gardener’s favorite versatile plant for partial to deep shade …

Why do flowers smell?

Imagine walking through a tropical forest as a sweet scent wafts through the air. A little farther down the path, the putrid stench of rotting flesh makes you catch your breath. Upon investigation, you find that both odors originate from flowers – but why do flowers smell like anything at all? ...

Ready for your best lawn ever? 3 expert spring lawn care tips

(BPT) - Spring is just around the corner! As you make your list of spring cleaning chores, don’t forget to add lawn care to the to-do list.“The key to a healthy, robust lawn is …
Lifestyle news
States with the biggest mental health care deserts
ADHD Advisor used data from the Health Resources & Services Administration to map and analyze mental health provider shortages across the U.S.
Even where abortion is legal, there are high barriers to obtaining one while in jail
The Marshall Project reports on jail policies in 13 states that found vague, confusing or nonexistent guidelines and major hurdles to obtaining an abortion.
How access to affordable housing impacts public health
Foothold Technology used data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to explore how access to housing impacts health, and vice versa.
From content creation to companionship, here's how people say they hope to use AI
Verbit analyzed Microsoft survey data, released this year, to see how excited people around the world are about AI and what they hope to use it for.
2024's worst cities for grass allergies this summer
Lawn Love ranked nearly 380 U.S. cities to help determine 2024's worst cities for grass allergies this summer.